The following is a poem by Diane Cornell, who you may recall was the winner of our competition for an advance copy of Check Mates, the first ever collection of OCD fiction, poetry and artwork by people with OCD.  Diane deals with OCD herself, as well as depression, but this particular poem could speak to almost anyone going through their own personal struggle.

‘Broken Communication’

Why do you ask how I am?

Why do you ask if I am feeling better?

Already you have decided the answer.

For you, I must be better.

That is all you want to hear.

Why do I say I’m fine?

Why do I say everything is ok?

Well, I want to please you, to fulfil your expectations.

If I say I’m not ok, you will require an explanation.

An explanation I cannot give.

So it is easier to say what you want to hear.

Let us be careful; careful how we ask.

Let’s ask, truly wanting to know.

Let’s ask without expectations.

Maybe then we will communicate.

Not just talk, but actually communicate.

Maybe we will meet each other, where we are.

Click below to order Check Mates, the first ever collection of fiction poetry and artwork about OCD

READ MORE  An OCD Testimonial by 'MC'