Happy holidays, everyone! Regardless of your religious beliefs, I assume you’ve had some time off work / school, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the break.

This is a short message to let you know that, unfortunately, trying to operate as an independent publishing imprint has not proved sustainable. Therefore, for a variety of reasons, we have made the decision not to take on further submissions.

We will continue to print copies of our previous publications, but mainly we want to focus on our blog – sharing insights and stories to help support our mission statement. If you have a story to tell, please do get in touch so we can share it here. Remember: you can share your story anonymously, if you wish.

As a final point, we’ve been trying to publish blog articles in topical series. It’s proved tricky (for personal reasons) and has resulted in long gaps between articles. Therefore, we will try to keep things grouped together as much as we can, but we may jump around a little. This is what happens when your founding editor has ADHD! 🙂

Thanks for taking the time to read this brief note, and I hope you have a fantastic 2019!

Best wishes,

Vrinda Pendred

Editor & Founder

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