Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder affects pretty much everyone.  Maybe you have it yourself.  Or perhaps your partner has it, or your sibling, or an old childhood friend, or maybe your next-door neighbour.  You might not even be aware of it, but the chances are high that you know someone who is obsessive-compulsive.

In recent years, OCD has become more publically discussed, with celebrities coming forward and admitting they are afflicted by the condition.  Yet when David Beckham went public with his diagnosis, much of the world made jokes and laughed.  There was little consideration for his lifelong struggle with his own mind, or the difficulties it might pose for his family.  There was even less acknowledgment that most people are at least a little obsessive-compulsive themselves.

Despite the growing awareness of such conditions, stereotypes persist…and an inspiring group of people have decided to do something about that.

‘Check Mates’, edited by Vrinda Pendred, is the first ever collection of fiction, poetry and artwork about OCD, by people with OCD – the real experts on the subject.  It also marks the launch of Conditional Publications, the only dedicated publishing house for writers with any kind of neurological condition.

Divided between ‘Realism’ and the ‘Beyond’, this book drives the absurdity and horror of OCD straight home.  It has been put together by writers and artists from around the world, and showcases a wide range of emotions, from love to hate, joy to rage, fear and sorrow to hope and optimism.  There’s even a little bit of humour!  Everyone will find something to relate to.

READ MORE  3 New Podcast Interviews about 'Check Mates', OCD Fiction, Poetry & Art

What it doesn’t do is shy away from the truth.  Every angle is covered, no matter how painful, which makes for a startling and moving read.

If you have OCD, you’re going to find yourself in this book and realise you’re definitely not alone.  If you don’t have OCD…you’re probably going to find a little of yourself anyway, because that’s what this book does: it forces us to look at our own neuroses.  I think this book is set to crack wide open a few stereotypes that have been flying around for far too long.

And as if that’s not enough, part of the proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to OCD charities.

‘Check Mates: A Collection of Fiction, Poetry and Artwork about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, by People with OCD’ is coming to Amazon on 11 May 2010.  To show support of this inspirational new book, a collection of authors, coaches and healers from around the world will be giving away free online gifts if you purchase the book on its launch date of 11th May.

AND … Vrinda Pendred, the editor of ‘Check Mates’, is giving away an EXTRA special gift of her own: ‘The Passenger’, an unpublished short story about Tourette Syndrome.