On p.14 of the April edition of Writers’ News, the sister publication of Writing Magazine, there is a feature on Conditional Publications, its founder Vrinda Pendred, and the upcoming release of Check Mates: A Collection of Fiction, Poetry and Artwork about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, by People with OCD.

Click here to read the article, and find out what this unique new company is all about.


READ MORE  The Royal Bank of Scotland by Vrinda Pendred - Extract
  1. Garry says:

    I am in a very simlar position to Vrinda having TS and the other comorbidities associated with it myself, namely OCD amongst others. I will be attending the book launch not only to support a friend and fellow sufferer but to bring a bit of relief to myself and tell my own story in one way or another.

    I suggest everyone that is in town or able to does the same, Vrinda has put so much time and effort into this project and needs a lot to be thanked for. We need more people in this world like Vrinda.

    Hopefully I’ll see you all there, I’ll be the stupidly tall one at the side telling everyone about everything in my own funny way.
