The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of mental disorders (DSM) is soon to be released in its fifth revision.  Before its publication, however, the public apparently have a say in the proposed revisions.

Included in the proposal is the combination of all autistic disorders into one single entry for Autistic Spectrum Disorders – as well as the consolidation of certain psychotic conditions, and a new category for Psychosis Risk, intended to help treat patients earlier rather than once the problems have overtaken them.  There will be rules enstated in order to prevent overdiagnosis…so they say.

I happen to think in some ways this is a step in the right direction, because the DSM was becoming cluttered with 1,001 different disorders when many of them seem to be aspects of the same few things.  Having a risk category could possibly be useful, too – particularly for people who are trying to understand extra symptoms they may have without having a full-blown condition.

The obvious worry, though,  is that doctors may distort this and start prescribing drugs to people who really don’t need them and can get on fine in life without them.  It’s possible that we don’t need a new diagnosis for such things, but rather more public awareness of the truth that most people probably share some of these symptoms without even thinking about it.

They are also proposing to revamp the whole personality disorders section.  Reading their suggested amendments, it seems a good move.  It feels clearer and less extreme, allowing room for the notion that people with such conditions are human, like anyone else – fancy that!

READ MORE  So-called NHS cuts £5bn from mental health services

You can read more about the changes in the Scientific American article, and whatever your view on the matter, please do get involved here.

Vrinda Pendred
Editor & Founder of Conditional Publications

  1. George says:

    Have they released the new edition yet? Did they make those changes that were proposed?

  2. George says:

    ‘MINORITY REPORT’ for mental health.


    Psychiatry’s latest scam… One of the proposed revisions for the DSM V is to include ways of diagnosing people who are ‘at risk’ of developing mental disorders… who can then be prescribed psychotropic drugs to prevent this from happening!

    It’s all about the money.

    Lets stop paying these bastards.