Conditional Publications:

Awareness, Education, Insight, Optimism, Understanding


So you got your diagnosis.  In a world dominated by labels, what does that mean?

Everyone at Conditional Publications has a label too.  We know how hard it can be, and we know no one is the same.

We know how isolating it can be to receive a diagnosis and feel like no one around you really understands.

And most of all, we know how hard it is to find books that really tell it like it is.  Too much information is fed to us by medical professionals.  They may understand the science of it, but only we know what it’s like to live it. 

That’s why we founded Conditional Publications.  Why ‘Conditional’?  Because we believe these diagnoses are more like another human condition, a way of being.  They shape your whole personality; like it or not, we wouldn’t be the same without them.

We started out as an independent publishing imprint, but unfortunately this became unsustainable. Instead, we are focusing on our blog and want to help as many people as possible share their stories – in their words.

We want to get as many people as possible to speak out and share their stories.  We want to erase stigma.  We want to eradicate the fear we all feel when we have to tell someone our label.  We want to stop people from having to hide those labels.

We want to help you to like being you.

Get to know us more by clicking the ‘Meet the Staff’ tab, or get in touch by clicking ‘Contact’.

And remember, it’s important to find support for the things you find difficult – but it’s just as vital to celebrate the ‘symptoms’ that make you special.  After all…

* OCD makes you conscientious and attentive to detail

* Tourette’s usually comes alongside high levels of intelligence and creativity

* ADHD usually means you’re inspired and innovative, with more ideas than you know what to do with

* Bipolar can often lead to an astonishing workforce when seized by mania

* Depression can provide remarkable self-understanding

* PTSD can lead to intense bursts of creativity (this was submitted to us by a reader!)

 We encourage you to add to this list 🙂