Conditional Publications is proud to announce that our very own Vrinda Pendred and Sharon Meyer have taken part in a groundbreaking documentary entitled Living with Me and My OCD, a very personal film by Claire Watkinson, intended to raise awareness about the much misunderstood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Claire is a freelance filmmaker and fellow sufferer of OCD.  When she was going through an extremely rough time with her OCD over Christmas, she decided to use her skills to create a film that would attempt to challenge OCD stereotypes, as well as help raise awareness about the conditions.

Living with Me and My OCD features interviews from OCD sufferers, including Claire’s twin sister Jane (who also assisted with the film process) and their parents.  Further interviews were conducted with people found on the Internet, from all over the world, and friends who revealed their OCD after she spoken to them about her own difficulties.

The documentary also features discussions with Vice-Chair Catherine Mills of the national charity OCD UK, who supported the release of Check Mates as well.  Organisations such as Mind, Anxiety UK and Time to Change have also been supportive, promoting and sharing the documentary’s trailer and links.

But more than that, the documentary features Claire’s own personal, honest and emotional diary entries, which paint a harrowing and inspiring picture of what it’s really like to live with OCD each day.  The film marks one of the first times when viewers get an inside view of how draining and upsetting OCD can be and how it can affect every aspect of your life, from work to social life.

READ MORE  'Check Mates' / OCD Virtual Blog Tour - Stop 15

Claire says, ‘I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the amazing responses and support this campaign and project has received so far; everyone has been wonderful.

‘I was thrilled when I contacted Conditional Publications and they agreed to an interview, after researching their organisation and coming across their book Check Mates.  Interviewing Vrinda and Sharon was a lovely experience; they were really inspirational and friendly.  It was great to meet some of the people involved in the creation of this incredible book.

‘What I want most from this documentary is for the OCD community to come together and join this campaign to raise awareness regarding OCD.  This has already started to happen.  Let’s get OCD talked about more, banish the stereotypes and help everyone feel comfortable living with their OCD.  It took me ages to come to terms with my OCD; I understand how tough it is – I really want to help as many people as I can.  Remember, you’re never alone.’

We at Conditional Publications urge you to be among the first to watch the trailer for this inspirational documentary.

If you want to chat, get involved or e-mail Claire directly about the project, she welcomes you to contact her at

Please also visit the Facebook page, and you can follow every step of the project on Twitter too.

Finally, Conditional Publications wish to say a massive thank you to Claire and Jane for including us in the project, and for putting the message out there in bold visual form.  Conditional Publications is all about people like you, and we can’t wait to see the film in its entirety!

READ MORE  'Check Mates' featured on 'Wise Words' blog

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Click below to order Check Mates, the first ever collection of fiction poetry and artwork about OCD

  1. Pearl Osibu says:

    Can’t wait to watch this. Well done. OCD is such a serious and oft ignored problem – especially here in Africa where Mental illness (depression etc) is disregarded.