Comments on: Herbal or Pharmaceutical: Your Choice The Home for Writers with Neurological Conditions Sat, 22 Aug 2020 21:16:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: George Fri, 25 Feb 2011 14:54:42 +0000 Also, the article seems to ignore the fact that most people who take herbs etc do not take them as a ‘treatment’ for specific maladies, but as an ongoing regime to keep them in good health. A doctor (or anyone for that matter with a modicum of education in biology) should know the importance of nutrients to the proper functioning of the body (and mind). Thus the ‘metro’ is part of the propoganda machine, as I would bet that most doctors would NOT make the comment about ‘quacks’. The metro is just part of the machine that is spreading ideas like “we can eat whatever we want, and if by some fluke something goes wrong… it is the doctors job to fix us”. Helping to brainwash people like the lady that runs Percy’s breakfast club, who can’t understand why I would rather he ate bran flakes and juice in the morning, than coco pops, with white bread and chocolate spread, washed down with ‘sugarfree’ (read neuro-toxic aspartame) orange squash, and thought she had the right to argue with me (the parent) about this. …You want to talk about ‘snake oil’ sales men? -Statistically, prescription drugs are the THIRD leading cause of death only behind heart attacks and cancer. This INCLUDES those that have been ‘correctly’ prescribed. MANY alternative treatments have been proven in clinical double blind trials to be way more effective than the conventional treatment. However, because they are harder to regulate, you can not get these treatments from the NHS. And besides, not many people are interested in funding research into these alternative methods, because there is no profit in (for example) teaching someone to look after their own health verses making them dependant on a pill that they have to buy, and that handily weakens the immune system so that they will have to buy even more pills in future.
